Building a Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom – Learn How To Build One Here

How to build a virtual classroom is the top searching phrase at this time. We know that the world is going through coronavirus. However, in this situation, everything has been stuck in one place. In this unfortunate situation, everyone is forced to stay at home to follow social distancing. One of the most affected sectors due to COVID-19 is education. In the USA, the situation is getting worse with every passing day. At the time of writing, the cases in the USA are around 5.6 million. Apart from the US, the prevailing situation is not getting better. 


As we talked earlier that COVID-19 is the reason for schools, universities, and colleges closure. As per the data, around 1.725 billion learners are facing the situation of school closure. According to the UNICEF, 106 countries are going through the nation-wide lockdown. All of this situation is forcing more than 98.6% of learners to stay at home. In response to the current situation, UNESCO recommended distance learning. So, when we talk about distance learning, then there is no better method than virtual classrooms.

What are the virtual classrooms?

Online virtual classes just make things easy.

It is a matter of the fact that we will have to live in the lockdown until the world hit with an effective vaccine. We know that the virtual classrooms have become the need of recent times. So, it is better to understand this concept thoroughly. However, the virtual classroom is like an interactive platform or hub where teachers and learners can find with each other. These platforms act as facilitators, where students and teachers actively engage and interact. However, we can also refer to it as a place where students are comfortable and safe. They can remain safe from the outer worlds’ challenges. It is a place where we can form the relationship by sitting in the comfort of our house.

How are virtual classes different from the traditional courses?

As we already elaborated that the virtual classrooms are the concept of e-learning. The main objective of these is to enable the teachers and students to impart education online. On the other hand, in traditional classes, you have to leave your house’s comfort to take courses. Here are the points of difference between online and regular classes from teachers and instructors’ point of view:

virtual classroom teacher
  • In online classes, you do not need to move out of your home to take the course. However, in a traditional system, you leave the comfort of your house to get an education.
  • In online classes, even the exams happen virtually, unlike the traditional system.
  • However, for online classes, you need to get accreditation from the US department of education’s website.
  • But you can’t get the technical education through online classes. It is one of the main limitations of e-classes.

In short, in virtual classes, you interact with the people remotely from any location. It does not require the physical presence of the person. However, here are the following ways through which you can interact with the people who are physically away from you:

  • Webinars
  • Audio and video conferences
  • Web presentations
  • Live to stream
  • Text and chats
  • Learning management systems and online training courses are some of the modes to learn online.

Gadgets that may use in virtual classrooms

As the name is showing, that a virtual classroom involves technology. So, here are the technological items or gadgets that may use in the process:

  • Computer/laptop/phone is the top gadget that you need
  • The document camera is also vital because sometimes you have to display a document or draw it to class.
  • The wireless keyboard could be your companion
  • A web camera is a thing that you must have for video conferencing
  • Speakers or audio enhancement device
  • And an E-reader along with the many other items.

For back to school tech ideas, visit the “10 Under $50 Back To School Tech Gifts For 2020.”

However, it has proved that virtual classes are impossible without technology. So, the gadgets are vital if you are planning to form or take a virtual level.

How to build a virtual classroom?

virtual classroom setup

“He who opens the school doors, closes a prison.”

After reading all of the information about virtual classrooms now, we move forward to the next step. So, the virtual classrooms have importance for the learners and teachers both. If you are a teacher or private tutor and want to build a virtual school, then this guide is for you. Here are some suggested steps:

Step #1: Decide on the model for the virtual classroom

It is the very first step where you need to brainstorm before getting into something. Thus, at this step, you need to choose the model that you are going to follow for the virtual classroom. Here are the models’ from which you can choose:

Rotation model

In this model, the students take part in online learning from home or school. However, in this model, they may get face-to-face instructions in the classroom if the problem isn’t solving.

Flex model

In this type of model, the student takes an e-class for only one subject. For instance, if you are homeschooling and choosing an online class for English subject.

A la Carte model

It is a whole online learning program where students can choose the plan according to the choice. In short, students want a course to take entirely online, and a virtual teacher helps in the process. It is one of eh mist popular and successful model in high school.

Enriched virtual model

It is like a 50-50 model, due to some part of the learning are online, and some are offline. In simple words, students choose a single course and take some classes face to face and some virtually. For the virtual lessons, ‘ students may choose the teacher according to the choice and complete the remaining work.

Fully online model or virtual classroom

It is a fully online course where students do not need to go anywhere and take all classes virtually. However, it is the standard model that is working nowadays in the situation of the corona.

Step #2: Decide on the goals

“Know your audience as great e-learning design isn’t survival.”

Now we move forward towards the second step, and that is goal setting. After deciding the virtual classroom model, it is vital to set the goals for which you are doing this. Here are some tips that will help you set practical goals for interactive and useful sessions.

Know the target audience

If you know the target audience, then you have the potential to win the online world. Like other things, it is vital to know the interests, current skills, and expectations of your targeted audience. If you research all of these things timely and in advance, it will help focus the market better. 

Be aware of the desired outcomes.

Above all, always keep in mind that what your searchers expect and demands from your side. So, always try to meet their expectations with your work. However, for this, you need to do the proper research for in-depth understanding. Through a detailed analysis, you will get to know the tools, strategies, and activities that you need.

Communicate your objective

Do not hide anything from your followers; always highlight things before moving forward. So, it is better to communicate the objective that the students can achieve through the virtual class. It would be great if you create a statement for each virtual session.

SMART goal technique

Always follow the SMART rule. In short, set the goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. These simple rules are the key to your success. Above all, goals will help you to decide the type of website that you want.

Step #3: Choose a site-building method

Website building is one of the most technical and crucial parts of building virtual classrooms. So, pay more attention to this step. There are three main ways to create a virtual classroom website.

DIY website builder

If you want to build a website cheaply and efficiently, then different solution providers are there for you. However, some of the providers are Wix, Weebly, and Square space with an effective strategy. But these platforms come with limitations like shared hosting, fewer customization options, and less SEO scope.

Build a website with WordPress

It is one of the easiest ways to build the website. The robust CMS of WordPress can create any type of website. Above all, many plugins make the process of website building easy. However, you simply need to drag and drop the themes and plugins to enhance the capability.

Create the website from scratch

If you want to build a particular virtual classroom website, then go for this option. However, with this option, you can create the site from scratch and customize it. But if you go with this method, then it is time-consuming and could be a little expensive.

Step #4: Create a website

So, from the above three methods, we highly recommend WordPress. It is easy to use and cost-effective.  Apart from this, you can build the WordPress site in less time without any limitation. So, here are the development approaches in case if you want to make a virtual classroom website.

Domain name

It is the very first step if you are building a website. So, in this, you buy a domain name from any domain registrars—for example, GoDaddy, HostGator, and Dream Host.


You need to have a strong hosting foundation for your virtual classroom. So, choose a credible hosting provider and offering excellent service. Do not forget to plan based on the traffic volume you are expecting for your site.


If you plan to create a virtual classroom, then do not forget to give attention to vital aspects. Before designing a website, always expect the courses that you are going to offer. So, then decide the management, assessment, and communication methods. For instance, create quizzes, assignments, and student evaluation methods. If you plan to teach kids, then set up a system to give proper updates to their parents.

Choose a theme

So, before deciding about a theme, do not forget to choose the WordPress LMS plugin. However, at the next step, select the topic that integrates with your LMS plugin. It is one of the quickest ways to build a virtual classroom.

In the end, you need software to integrate a live virtual classroom. So, for this, choose virtual classroom development software. However, the cost of building a virtual classroom could vary according to your requirement. But the average price could go in the range of $2000-$10,000 depends on your needs.

What is the Importance of building a virtual classroom?

According to the GMI research, the mass of global virtual classroom could reach up to $9,515.2 million. The growth rate is around 17.4%, which is getting pace due to the current virus situation. So, at this time, if your kid isn’t taking the virtual classes, then you are potentially compromising at their safety. It is one of the most vital things that you should consider. However, if you take a guide form the Center for diseases control and prevention (CDC), then it is their top recommendation at the time of writing.

Importance to build a virtual classroom

Helping students find a path to purpose is one of the noblest aspects of teaching.”

  • Firstly, it is perfect for developing the technical skills of the staff. We know that virtual classes demand the usage of technology and gadgets. So, if a teacher uses laptops, there are chances to get extensive knowledge about that gadget. For instance, virtual classes use communication tools like Skype, Dropbox, Slack, Trello, and many others. In the end, all these things enhance their technical skills.
  • Secondly, virtual classrooms are cost-effective. If you build a virtual classroom, then you can save on real estate and travel costs. As all of the things are virtual, and you do not need to pay rent or utility bills.
  • Better time management is one of the advantages of the e-classes. If you are running a virtual educational platform, you will take a class for a specific time. In this type of education, it is easy to maintain the work-life balance.
  • One of the most significant advantages of the virtual class is the documentation of the whole data. In online courses, all of the information stores in a database and we can access that later. So, e-classes are like notes for a lifetime, and it is good to provide quality education.
  • Above all, in online classes, teachers conduct online meetings with their peers. So, it is the best chance to develop the network and enhance PR. Apart from your peers, you can improve networking with superiors form the comfort of your house. 
  • Through virtual education, there are good chances for the students to get a quality education. As in the virtual sessions, students are less, and the instructor can give individuals attention.

Closing thoughts on building a virtual classroom

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or private tutor, the online education system is the only savior in this unfortunate time. Do not compromise at the health, safety, and education of your child and choose the best platform for virtual sessions. But if you are a teacher or investor and want to build a virtual classroom, it is the right time. Kids are away from brick and mortar schools, so it is the best chance to establish your virtual classroom. In short, do not wait and create a welcoming virtual space and start a class with greetings.