Effects of digital media on children

Effects of digital media on children – a complete guide

The effects of digital media on children are increasing with every passing day. It is all happening due to the advancement of technology. We can see every aspect of our lives being digitized in various ways. This includes mobile apps, video games, news sites, and more. The digitization of media took it to an extreme level. As a result, the word “media” has changed with time, from traditional mode to a more advanced level.

“Digital media is a bullet train, and that bullet train isn’t coming home.”

Howard Schultz

When we talk about “change” and “advancement,” digital media brings plenty of influence. The outcome is both positive or negative; it all depends on how it is used. Kids are most affected by digital media due to excessive use. Are you looking for the effects of digital media on children? If yes, this page will give you both facts backed up by data.

What is digital media?

Before reading further, it is vital to know the real meaning of the whole term. The word media comes from the Latin word “medius” or “medium.” In short, media is the medium that brings mass communication to a collective.

“Digital media is character education in a networked world.”

The working of digital media is a bit different from traditional media. Digital media transmits digital signals to electronic devices. Then the receiving devices translate the digital signals into the required audio or video format. Lastly, when we use cellphones or computers, we consume digital media. 

Types of digital media

digital media vs traditional media

In today’s technological era, most forms of popular media lie in the following categories.

Audio: It includes digital radio stations, podcasts, audiobooks, and many others.

Video: This is one of the most popular categories. In this category, we include movies and television series. Platforms like YouTube and Netflix are good examples.

Social media: Almost everyone has a presence on these platforms. These social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and many others. People can interact with each other through videos, audio, texts, and comments.

Advertising: This industry has taken place in the world of digital media; it is taking advantage of marketing and partnership. The social media platforms are helping the advertisement at many levels. Google is one of the giants in this category.

News and literature: In traditional ways, people used to read newspapers and magazines to get their information and stories. Digital media is doing wonders in this industry. According to the Pew research center, 38% of individuals prefer to read news online. https://www.pewresearch.org/topics/social-media/

Apart from the above categories and types, here are some examples of the world’s top-notch companies in the digital media world.

digital media tech giants
  • Google
  • Netflix
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Amazon

Effects of digital media on children

“We do not have the option to do digital media; the question is how well we do it.”

If we look at the above, we can easily understand why digital media is all around us. Even colleges are offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees in digital media! When we talk about the effects, below are statistics on the effect of digital media.

Statistical facts to prove the effects of digital media on children

If you think that these effects do not have statistics to back it up, then you are wrong. Below are statistics that prove how digital media is affecting the lives of children.

kid using mobile phone
  • Over the last ten years, digital media is getting very popular among children. In 2011, the percentage of kids who used smartphones at the age of 2, was 2%. In 2013, it grew to 38%. Lastly, in 2015, 97% of children ages 2-4 started to use digital devices. Of all those, around 75% had their own devices.
  • The percentage of smartphone users consists of 46% of children under one year, and 59% is between 6-8 years old.
  • The situation is getting worse every day. Around 80% of primary school staff in England complained about poor social skills and speech problems. All of these problems have a link to the excessive usage of digital devices.
  • According to the common-sense media data, there is a variation in the usage trends of digital devices. Overall, 54% of children use smart devices for educational purposes. However, in poor/low-income families, only 28% of children do this. According to the facts, the kids of lower-income families are using these devices for entertainment purposes. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/research
  • A government survey recently revealed that the addiction of smartphones and internet in 3-9 years old kid could reach 1.2%-3.5%. These percentages are looking small, but they could leave devastating effects on children.
  • Four out of the five families own the devices to play video games. 25% of which always connect to the internet.

How different forms of digital media affect children?

“Kids do not remember what you try to teach them. Instead, they remember what they see.”

After having all the detailed information related to this vast and magnificent industry, we now move forward to the real concern. Yes, you guessed the right. As a result, digital media are getting real with every passing day, especially for children.

Effects of digital media on children (Negative)

There are so many ways for children to gain knowledge. These could be through the internet, video games, music, movies, or news. However, there are also the same things that can distract our children along the way. So, here are the following negative impacts of social media on children.

Children looking at digital media on ipad

Social media

According to the Australian psychological association survey, it printed that kids spend almost 3.3 hours/ per day on social media. The social platforms are so addictive that the average login amount is 50 times per day. However, there are fair chances that kids can indulge in complex problems and self-esteem issues because they see 15% of new profiles every day.


The world of internet and digital media is full of cyberbullying, which can convert people’s lives into hell. Cyberbullying is a serious matter; in many countries, it is a punishable crime. As a result, online bullying is directly related to the causes of depression, and it can potentially lead to someone’s death.

Privacy issues

Many online activities such as video games, subscriptions to content, and online reading require users to give out their personal information. Due to this, there are chances that personal data can be sold or stole, which could lead to scams and frauds.


The teenager and kid spend so much of their daily time online that leads towards aggression. If there is no parental control at an online medium, then you never know if your kid is watching the violence. Furthermore, the abuse could lead them into aggression, and there could be a severe personality disorder.

Problematic internet use

The term problematic internet use refers to the long term and heavy use of the internet and computer-based technologies by a person. According to experts, internet usage could lead to addictive conditions, mental health, and mood alteration problems.

teen stress

Apart from the above points, there could be many other misleading uses of modern-day technology. Here are some other serious problems that are emerging in the young generation.

  • Due to less parental control and monitoring of online content, the issues of immorality and sexualization are enhancing in the young generation.
  • Excessive online time is one of the biggest reasons a child is turning away from healthy and outdoor sports activities. Nowadays, kids are less active, which can further lead to serious health concerns. The reports of the IZA Institute of labor economics say that spending a couple of hours daily online can make the life of a kid miserable.
  • The effects of digital media at a child are not encouraging as these are the reasons kids cannot engage with others. They spend most of the time online and do not feel the need to connect with people physically.
  • Due to excessive watch time and digital media usage, kids are used to sitting at some spot for a long time, which can lead to severe health conditions. So, if we talk about health issues, then eye-sight weakness, poor posture, and obesity are some of the main problems. 

Effects of digital media on children (Positive)

“Digital media enables us to build more stages for our kids to express themselves.”

Marco Torres

There is good news! Here are the positive points in which digital media can enlighten the lives of children and give them positivity.

Teens using digital media for educational purpose


If the youth is using social media platforms positively, it is an effective way to connect with people. Due to these platforms, kids can connect with their family and friends even from the comfort of their bed.

Educational purpose

Digital mediums are providing many excellent opportunities. Due to these mediums, students can get help in their studies, research work, and collaborate in their projects. It is a fact that technology has made the path of learning and life of a student more comfortable. Online learning is just an example of a little drop in the ocean.

Electronic games and devices

We are all well aware that extra-curricular activities are crucial for a healthy life. Electronic games and devices could use to increase physical activity. Technology has developed which allows for both indoor and outdoor sports activities.

Novel mobile games that require players to physically move in the real world appear to be an effective complement to traditional physical activity interventions.

Journal of Medical Internet Research – Influence of Pokémon Go on Physical Activity: Study and Implications

News and publications

The use of digital media brings so much positive news to a student. It is an excellent way to get online news and current with local and global developments. Also, it is not a problem anymore if the kids want to get the latest technological or educational news with just a finger tap.

Apart from the above positive effects, here are other points that will help you understand the situation.

  • In the digital world, social platforms work as a confidence booster for introverted kids. On the internet, kids get more chances to explore, interact, and learn from their experiences.
  • The digital platforms help the kids get to know about the diversity of the world. Such as food, culture, music, and many other things.
  • Kids can take online classes when they want to explore an area of interest. After all, it is all possible with online classes.

Recommendations to control the effects of digital media on children

“The power of digital media is that it forces necessary changes.”

The above discussion has proved that everything comes with the two sides, positive and negative. So, now the primary responsibility lies at the parents’ shoulders as they want the best for their child. As a result, here are some recommendations through which parents can protect their kids from the worst and handle adverse situations.

parental control on digital media
  • First of all, parents need education about the positive and negative effects of digital media on their lives. Therefore, read further into this topic and become even more knowledgeable.
  • Try to educate your child about the pros and cons of the different online mediums and tell them how vital it is to limit usage.
  • It is good to encourage the child to learn real-life communication rather than online and give them ways to polish their real abilities.
  • Parents should supervise online activity and try to divert the attention towards educational media. In this way, you can protect your child from online predators and bad experiences while learning something new. 
  • If your child looks upset after looking at the phone or noticing any behavioral changes, then talk to them and try to understand the problem.
  • Ensure that the child is spending a definite time on the screen. You can reward them for their exemplary behavior.
  • You can teach your child how these platforms can help them in real life and learn their favorite things. Register them in online music classes, health sessions, art classes, science classes, and many other educational fields.

Final verdict

The effect of digital media is multifunctional that promotes both positive and negative sides. Here we need to regulate things to avoid the adverse effects as this is the need of the recent times. In today’s era, children are growing up in a technological age. So, it is essential to teach them, but at the same time, setting limits is vital. Lastly, parents must keep an eye at the watch time and have parental control over apps like video games and social media sites. Hopefully, the above discussions and proposals can guide the parents in the right direction.