school pod learning pod

Learning Pods And School Pods. Are They Right For You?

The popularity of learning pods and school pods are on the rise these days. We know that the world is living in an uncertain time. The significant cause of the uncertainty is due to the COVID -19. We saw the total lockdown of all sectors in the earlier days of coronavirus. However, like many other sectors, education is one of those that affected most. So, due to this unsure situation, more than half of the kids are staying home.

If we look at UNESCO’s reports, then more than 60% of kids aren’t going to school. So, this situation isn’t good at all. Apart from this, the following statistics are showing an alarming situation:

  • 1,184,126,508 are total affected learners
  • 67.6% of enrolled learners have affected with this situation
  • Total 143 countries are facing the situation of school closure due to virus

So, these figures are enough to show the alarming situation. However, we need to find a permanent solution to deal with this. So, when we talk about the solution, then online homeschool programs pop up in mind.

What is the online homeschool program?

“Online education is like the rising star; it’s going to take all the shine.”

The common term that we use for the online home school program is the learning pods or school pods. The word is the acronym of the “parent organized discovery sites.” We know that it’s not good to keep the kids away from school. So, to overcome this everyday worst situation, learning pods are the solution. The platforms are like the online medium among teachers, kids, and parents. Due to the different setup, we can call these schools virtual, cyber, or e-school. So, something is better than nothing.

school pod

In this situation, we can’t keep our children away from school for so long. However, if the school isn’t arranging the classes, you can go for the pods. These programs bring many benefits and meet the educational requirement. Apart from the online courses, e-school can take the exams. So, with the advancement of technology, it has become an easy task to access these platforms. But, before deciding on an online class, it is vital to know each aspect. After all, it is the matter of your child’s future.

The importance of learning pods for kids

The above conversation has proved the unmatchable importance of the learning pods. However, the significance gets double if we see them with the eye of the new coronavirus.

  • Online homeschool gives flexibility to the kids in learning. However, in these types of pods, it doesn’t matter if the kid is active. These schools can polish the creativity and intelligence of kids. In short, e-schools can work with every type of kid with different abilities and habits.
  • In these classes, you have the option of customized learning according to the needs of kids. Above all, the parents can keep the check on the activities of and learn of kids.
  • Parents are in charge of online home school programs. So, they can keep the check easily. The test could be of any type like grading, learning approach, and curriculum. All of the learning decisions would be in the best interest of the child.
  • Apart from the other benefits, they meet the growth requirements of the child. However, it is the best way to prioritize mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical health.
  • Above all, it’s a great way to manage the study time of kids. So, in extra time the kid can focus the extracurricular activities. We know that physical activities re of utmost importance for the health.
  • In short, it’s the best way of efficient learning without wasting time. However, in extra time indulge the kid into community work and other healthy practices.

Some other points of importance for kids

Apart from the above points, many other benefits help to enhance the productivity ratio.

  • In extra-time, involve the kids in activities like sports. So, for mental health, engage them in outdoor games, projects, and experiments other than the study.
  • It is an excellent way to produce high grades transcripts with less stress and burnout. After all, a healthy mind leads towards a healthy body.
  • Due to more parental control and online nature, save the kids from bullying, pressure, and racism.
  • Lastly, learning pods or school pods are like innovation to save kids from the global pandemic. So, nothing comes before health. However, this is a chance to meet the educational needs by sitting in the comfort of home.

How to register yourself in learning pod programs?

“Helping others to find a path of learning is the noblest cause.”

After reading the points of importance, I know you want to register yourself in programs like these. So, before reading further, it’s good to see the process for smooth working.

empty school pod

1st step:

In the first step, you need to keep ready some technological gadgets. As the pods are online and we can’t take classes without the involvement of technology. So, these are some potential items that are necessary.

  • Get a functioning computer
  • An internet connection with good speed
  • A comfortable chair
  • Separate space that is away from the hassle and sound
  • Any software that is necessary to take the online classes
  • Earphones or air buds for video classes
  • Webcam for video sessions
  • Printer and printer paper, even though you can submit many assignments online. Printers are also vital to keep the track or record of your work.
  • Traditional school supplies like a pencil, highlighters, etc
  • Online paper or calendar to keep the record of the daily assignment

 2nd step

In the second step, now you need to find a reliable source for the online home classes. However, for finding the pods, you can search online or get suggestions from your closed ones. It is one of the most important things to do, as it’s going to provide the base. However, the support of learning should be firm and sound. Read online reviews or get referrals from reliable sources.

3rd step

It is the last step to indulge your child in the online homeschool program. Technology is playing an essential part in the whole process. So, at this step, you can take help from the gadgets. However, after searching about the learning pods online, be ready to register yourself.

  • Firstly, register yourself after meeting the requirements of the online platform.
  • Make the payment online.
  • At the last step, you will get the ID and password to enter the platform to get the class.

Benefits of online learning pods?

The importance of pods does not restrict some benefits. In reality, it goes a long way to cover every aspect of a child’s life. So, due to the broad scope, we divided the benefits into the following sections:

  • Academic benefits
  • Helps in mental health
  • Benefits related to social development
  • Improved physical health
  • Special life circumstances
child excited about learning

Academic benefits

We know that the primary purpose of online pods and traditional schools is to give education. But here are the few educational benefits that we can get over regular mode through online classes.

Customize the education

One of the highlighted benefits is that you can prepare the customized plan for your kid. We know that every kid has different educational needs and ways. So, the instructional methods and modes should be according to that. However, with the help of learning pods, there is total control of parents to choose the educational plan.

Do what works for the kid.

As we already discussed that parents have total control over education. So, in this case, there is no need to worry if the child is unique or gifted. However, parents can quickly assess the things that are working at the child.

Efficient learning unlike traditional schools

The working and functionality of the pods are entirely different from traditional schools. Online homeschool programs are working with advanced technologies. These schools keep the check on their students, unlike the old school systems. However, the kids can give extra time to their hobbies and interests due to their spare time.

Get the chance to follow other passions.

Unlike traditional schools in this setting, the kids have leisure time after the classes.  So, there is a flexibility to use this time to follow the passions and interests. However, it’s up to the kids to watch an educational video, play outdoor games, or anything else. Besides this, vocational training is also an excellent option to teach kids the practical side. In short, school pods are best to get educational benefits other than the traditional methods.

Helps in mental health

We know that there is nothing more important than mental health. However, when it comes to the mental health of a kid, then it’s more important. So, if you choose the online homeschool programs, then there is no other better way.

  • It’s best for kids who are struggling with mental health problems and anxiety. The kids who are victims of social anxiety don’t like to face people. So, in this case, it’s best to introduce the homeschools to them.
  • It’s possible that sometimes the problem link with the negative school behaviors. However, with the help of school pods, the kid can avoid the traditional school setting. In this way, you can keep the kid away from bullying, racism, and other negativities.
  • Above all, in this situation of coronavirus, the kid should stay at home. If the kid stays home most of the time, he won’t see the health crises outside. So, it is good to keep the children away from the situation like these. It can throw a negative impact on the mind by giving anxiety.

Pros related to physical health

“All works, and no play makes jack a dull boy.”

We all have heard different phrases about physical activities and how it’s essential for the kids. So, academic and physical activities should go hand in hand. However, when kids go to school, then they face immense educational pressure. So, in this pressure, kids won’t get the chance to keep them physically active. So, there are the following pros of pods that relates to physical health:

school pod benefits

Move frequently

in online classes, kids have free time in which they can move around and chill. However, it depends on the kids to spend this time playing, dancing, or doing other activities.

More sleep

The kid’s health needs to take the sleep up to 8-12 hours. But it’s not possible if the kid is following the traditional school program. However, the pods have made things easy, and now kids can sleep naturally. Yet, due to the relaxed routine, kids wake up and sleep flexibly.

Manage illness

The illness is another common thing in kids. But it could get worse if we don’t treat it rightly. If the kids are going to a physical school, then he can’t take off days randomly. But due to the learning pods, kids can have more time for recovery. In short, there wouldn’t be any compromise on the health of kids.

Keep the kid safe from a global pandemic.

As we already discussed that the world is going through the tough phase of life. Yes, that global pandemic and tough period is the coronavirus. So, in this unfortunate situation, it is vital to arrange online classes. So, with the help of these sessions, kids can stay at home.

Benefits related to social development with learning pods

After the educational benefits and mental health, we move ahead. So, the next pros are related to the social development of kids. We know that social development is as important as other vital things. So, there are the following benefits of learning pods related to social development.

  • So children who don’t grow up in an intimate family setting face many issues. Thus, due to the online homeschool program, kids spend most of the time at home. However, this way, they get the chance to get close with their parents and extended family.
  • It is one of the highlighted benefits of pods over traditional schools. In the conventional school setting, kids get the chance to meet many new people. So, there are chances that they would catch up with bad habits. Thus, through the online school, you can keep the kids away from bullying, drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • Bullying, drugs, and bad habits aren’t the only issues. The online classes give the chance to cope up with the stereotype of the society. However, due to pods, you can save your child from racism.
  • The kid at home in front of your eyes, there is nothing better than this. In this way, the kid and parents feel a sense of safety from the outer world. However, in this corona times, this sense gets double.

Final verdict on learning pods

Apart from the above condition, online homeschool programs are also beneficial for other situations. These pods are also magical for the families who live in specific life conditions. Apart from this, it brings many benefits for the parents as well. In short, learning pods have made many things more comfortable and hassle-free. You need the right platform with professional teachers to deal with the kid. So, carry on education from the comfort of your home by making a wise decision.