Best Children Programming Languages in 2020

If you are searching on what are the best children programming languages, you are in the right place. We have a curated list of five most useful, fun, and even challenging programming languages for kids interested in code learning or game development.

Programming is a creative activity and a great skill that every kid can engage in to learn and develop. Although younger kids do not care about writing data processing algorithms, they might build their interests in creating games, design websites, programming music, or just play around with codes, which might be an enjoyable activity.

You can encourage your kids to learn programming languages, no matter whether you are a software developer or have no technical background. In fact, kids often can learn to program even faster than adults.

Anyone who will work with a computer one day should have a grip on programming basics. When choosing children programming languages, it becomes harder as there are so many different languages. Deciding on one to target is not an easy task. 

What is the right programming language for your child?

kids coding books

Firstly, not all programming languages are the same. Some are even more complicated, while others are frustrated and boring. Secondly, all the kids’ interest levels are different and vary a lot, depending on their age, environment, nature, and talent. Here are some general recommendations on age groups for different children programming languages.

Some young kids might have the talent to learn to program and can drive right into a complicated programming language like C++. At the same time, some older children may love to build a game and take a visual programming interface that helps them do that. However, others might have little interest or the inability of written programming languages.

Kids aging 5-8 will do better with visual programming environments as a start. Reaching age 8, some kids become capable of digging into text-based languages, but you probably want them to start with something simpler and more manageable.

Getting into the pre-teens and up, kids may demonstrate the ability to learn full programming languages, but it still depends a lot on the kid and the language.

Why is it important for kids to learn programming languages?

Programming for kids has become a popular topic and need of the hour with the advancement of technology. Furthermore, as technology is becoming more relevant and an essential part of our daily lives. Mastering basic computer programming is not only for highly intellectual and progressive families but a necessity for kids and grown-ups alike. 

Usually, children are incredibly interested in computers and want to know how they work. They always try to explore how to use computers and fully utilize the power of machines. Unlike the past, basic coding is now quite simple to learn. There are many free resources that are available out there that might help you get started.

Anyone can learn the fundamentals in a few hours and acquire enough knowledge to build websites, games, and functioning games within a week or two.

Today, the basics of writing code can be taught in primary or elementary school students. Acquiring programming skills at such a young age influences the kids’ overall development. Coding also strengthens academic areas, such as spelling, reading, and math. Kids who master coding and programming potentially perform better than those who don’t. Furthermore, they will also develop better analytical reasoning skills, thirst for knowledge, and blossom into better problem solvers.

Teaching kids how to use software language correctly will undoubtedly be useful and come handy later on in life; as it is the language of our time and highly beneficial. However, not all children programming languages are the same, so deciding which one is the best for beginners can be quite tricky.

Best programming languages for kids and beginners:

Out of so many programming languages, we chose five best languages that are easy to interpret and less complicated. One can learn these languages at the initial age without any difficulty. The languages include:

  • Scratch
  • Blockly
  • Python
  • Lua (Roblox)
  • Java

Let’s dive deep into the functionality of each programming language and discuss the pros and cons of each. This will help you get a better understanding of whether a language is right for your kids or not.

1.  Scratch

Scratch is a free educational programming language for kids that you can develop games, create animations, and build your own interactive stories. It is a project developed by Mitch Resnick and patented by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab.

Firstly, the software is designed especially for children between the ages of 8 to 16, but used by people of all ages. Scratch is an excellent starting point for kids to learn programming, so teaching them to code with Scratch is quite easy. The platform provides an intuitive, kid-friendly, easy-to-use visual block interface that eradicates the frustration of typing for young learners. Scratch helps kids learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. This will certainly help them in the future.

Scratch screenshot

Secondly, Scratch allows the freedom of expression to its students, and it can be considered one of the most visually appealing children programming languages on the list. Using this software, kids feel like real game designers, and even beginners can create custom and straightforward games in minutes.

Lastly, the Scratch online community has over 15 million registered users around the world. Scratch requires you to store your projects and codes on the scratch server, which helps the amateurs study how advanced users have created more complex games. Afterall, it is one of the best kids coding languages you can introduce to your child if it sounds right for you.

Provides visual interactionIt does not teach coding languages specifically
Provides basic knowledge and best for beginnersOthers can take what you have created on Scratch and make their own
Works as a stepping stone in the world of computer programming

2.  Blockly

Blockly is primarily created for kids aging 8-year-old and over. It is for those who want to learn coding at home or school within their browsers. Also, it is a children-friendly visual block programming language made out of several pre-existing programming languages. Blockly is widely viewed as Googles’s response to Scratch. Likewise, it uses the same building blocks to help kids master coding.

This software is developed under the Apache 2.0 license. It is often described as a client-side JavaScript library, as it is used for creating visual programming block editors. Moreover, you can find a JavaScript library in Blockly, which serves as a centralized location where you can easily access pre-written languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Lua.

Children programming in Blocky

Blockly is very simple to operate. The interface is quite understandable, which contains a toolbox that holds blocks, a bin, and space to write code. Out of the toolbox, the users link the blocks arrange them in sequence to solve their problems. Furthermore, its UI also resembles a child’s box of multi-colored and multi-shaped blocks.

What makes this language a simple tool is the ability to develop an actual working Android app. Children can switch languages and create code by linking different blocks together. In conclusion, it is an easy yet useful programming language that provides a lot of fun.

Blockly is compatible with all major browsersThere are no good tutorials for Blockly that makes it hard to learn for kids
Free and open-source softwareNot equal to its biggest competitor “Scratch”
A children-friendly visual block programming language

3.  Python

Python is very readable and quite different from the first two programming languages of the list. Using Python, you won’t have to waste time memorizing arcane syntax as programming languages. Children as young as eight can use this powerful and text-based computer programming language to express themselves. In other words, this specific type of code works as both a supporting point to master other languages. Furthermore, it is a great language for serious web, game, and app development. 

Children programming in Python

Python is an excellent choice for children to introduce them to coding, which leads to more advanced programming. When kids start to play more with Python, they learn to use fundamental data structures like maps, lists, mastering loops, and variables. As a result, it also encourages users to use extensive Python libraries and online support.

Most importantly, as kids continue to learn this language, they will also overcome the complexity while controlling different structures in Python. They can also overcome their barriers with game design and animation by drawing shapes and patterns with the Python turtle module. Lastly, they will be able to code their app for PC, Mac, or Linux.

One of the most popular languages, even for professionalsNot ideal for mobile development and memory-intensive tasks
Interpreted languageIt doesn’t support high-graphic 3D games
Free and open-source that offers vast libraries support

4.  Lua (Roblox)

Roblox Lua is a modified version of Lua that is more efficient for use. Lua is a scripting language that is easy to learn, use, and embed into applications. Therefore, this programming language is perfect for introducing kids to text-based coding. It is a free, elegant, portable, and beginner-friendly coding language.

The best thing about Lua is that it introduces simple concepts that can become a smooth product while maintaining readability and simplicity. Also, it takes care of low-level things like for users like memory management.

Lua Roblox

Since it is similar to Python, it also eliminates syntax issues that make it difficult for kids to code. Unlike Java, it doesn’t require the use of semicolons at the end of every code line, so it is even more efficient for kid’s use.

Like Scratch, Lua’s online community is also active and full of cooperative members who are always ready to help and guide the beginners.

Lua is such a functional language for kids programmers. It is fast, light, and easy to install. It is widely used for games and app development for Android and iOS. For example, the game Angry Birds is also Lua based. In conclusion, using Lua, kids can create an exciting array of games, all sorts of web applications, and image processing.  

Really easy and suitable for beginnersRoblox coding is not as intuitive as other languages
A big and active online community to share knowledge with newbiesYou must have a basic understanding of working with the command line or simple text editor
Fast speed and easy to install 
Powerful game development engine
It is suitable for younger kids as well as teenagers

5.  Java

Firstly, Java is one of the widely used programming languages in the world and also good for kids. Secondly, its popularity among kids is that it is the language of Minecraft. The education version of Minecraft has become a popular way to teach kids to code. The game is the center of attention of many kids and proved to be a powerful tool for kids to strengthen several core academic skills and help them solve problems using logic.

Java coding

Secondly, kids can use Java to make game engines, mobile apps, large backend environments, and many other things, so it is suitable for kids to learn this fun programming language. Most importantly, it is an excellent option for those who want a rich understanding of coding for years.

It is a statically typed language that requires you to specify a variable that helps you build more stable, maintainable, and scalable apps. Although this language takes longer to master than other programming languages, however, it is fun and useful for intermediate kid coders.

Through a fun game like Minecraft, kids can learn Java principlesIt takes time to learn the language syntax
Suitable for teenagers who want to develop a strong understanding of programming concepts.A bit harder to learn than Python
Great for intermediate coders who want to extend their skill set with a powerful language 

Takeaway for Teaching Children-Friendly Programming Languages

Coding for kids has gained popularity rapidly from the past few years as technology increasingly becomes part of everyday life. So don’t think too much before choosing a suitable programming language for kids, just make a start. In conclusion, kids who learn to code at a younger age can set themselves up for better opportunities and develop a unique and beneficial skill.

Additional Tips

  • Use Minecraft for education purposes for kids aging five years or more. 5 to 7 years old kids are too young to learn to code, so start with basics and helpful games. In order to start coding and learn programming basics, seven years of age is perfect.
  • Scratch’s simple graphical interface is suitable for younger kids between the ages of 8 and 13. While for teens and pre-teens, a real-world programming language like Python is more suitable.
  • Programming is a hands-on skill despite its intellectual reputation. This is why it requires practice and not just reading books. For instance, don’t just talk concepts at kids, but sit with them and describe the code they should write. While using online resources to share with your kid, look for the source code to small games.
  • Games are fun programming projects, so encourage the kids to program simple video games. Python is the best source to invent your own computer games.
  • While teaching the kids, let the kids drive everything and keep your hands away from the keyboard and mouse. Avoid frequently jumping in on the keyboard to type something when working with kids. Similarly, let them do every step by themselves and just point the screen with a finger when they need guidance.
  • If teaching kids in a class, try to give each kid their own computer as programming requires hands-on practice rather than watching someone else.
  • Avoid sharing excess knowledge with kids. They do not require this at such a young age. As a result, teach the kids with things of their level.