How To Develop Writing Skills In a Child With Technology

How To Develop Writing Skills In a Child With Technology

Writing is a vital component to develop literacy among children. However, it takes so much time and hard work to establish excellent writing skills. In this article, we will go in-depth on how to develop writing skills in a child with technology. In addition, if we want to develop writing skills in children, we have to start work early. In short, writing skills take time, persistence, and willingness to learn.

How To Develop Writing Skills In a Child

On the other hand, you should have the right strategy and tools to make a start. Tech has altered every aspect of life, and the same is the writing case. If you think that technology can’t help to improve or develop then, you are wrong. However, we are going to teach every aspect to enhance writing skills using tech. 

Can technology help to develop writing skills?

“Classic writers didn’t have access to technology that modern writers have.”

As we discussed earlier, that creative words add a new life to every field of life. However, this revolution has changed the way of thinking, writing, and reading. However, in recent years we saw many software and platforms to polish the draft. Above all, most of the top-notch also accept the role of tech in writing. If we look around, then tech has become the reason for significant advancement in the 20th and 21st centuries. For instance, health care, financial, transport, and education sectors are among the biggest beneficiaries. Apart from this, there are the following proves that shows the importance.

  • Writing is a critical skill in every field of life. We spend almost 1/3rd of our time writing anything for fun or educational purpose.
  • In the USA alone, 10% of the households had computers in 1984. But now, in 2020, this ratio has increased by up to 51%.
  • According to Lucy Adams, now writers prefer to take notes on smart devices instead of using pen and paper.

In short, writing is an area where hundreds and thousands of people spend their time to become pro. But it is the need of time to use smart devices to match the pace of the world.

How does technology help to develop the basics for writing?

We know that the tech sector is a diverse and broad field. However, it is the need of the time to adopt this advance method. In short, technology can use to enhance, improve, or develop specific styles in writing. However, writing is a whole separate broad field with the following elements.


It is the most essential and fundamental thing that provides the base to start writing. Children can take motivation while using tech for recreational or study purposes. Students can learn things through multimedia, videos, or subtitles. For instance, children learn at least 1-2 words new while watching subtitles. The smart devices enhance the search habits in students while doing homework. Above all, these things can also help to create a balance between visuals and writing time.


Consideration is the most important thing before deciding to take action. However, after taking motivation, the children think to start something similar. As a result, they take one step further towards the writing. In all of this process, multimedia, movies, or videos work as the base. Above all, these things help students learn new and fancy words that they can use while writing.


Now it is one step further from the consideration. Many top-notch writers and scholars emphasize to read something. It is the only way that can improve the vocabulary and understanding of the thoughts. According to Pearson:

“Parents should start focusing on developing reading skills from the sixth grade.”

However, you can start as early as the student start to understand the meanings of words. It is a fact that children who use technology are better at identifying the cause and effects.


Writing is the last step in this process. After taking motivation, the children consider reading and then ultimately write something. According to Kinzer:

“Technologies show the overall positive effect on the reading and writing skills of kids.”

According to the results of a specific study, children who took the technological path developed better writing skills. On the other hand, the class fellow left behind who didn’t bother to learn tech. In short, media images, video, audio, hypermedia, and website assist the parents in improving fancy writing skills.

How can technology help to develop the writing skills?

It’s not wrong to learn a few tricks to enhance our efforts. However, the same is the case in the field of reading and writing. Reading and writing both go parallel and support each other to create a final masterpiece. I know you think about what technology tools can help to develop and polish writing. However, these ways can help the children to polish their piece of paper.

Fun ways to improve writing skills in children

We know that children spend most of their time while surfing the Internet and playing video games. If the parents think that this surfing has only adverse effects, then it’s wrong. There are the following ways through which kid is learning something new related to writing.

Apps and games to improve grammar

Grammar is the base of writing skills. That’s why most of the online software and platforms focus on polishing the grammar. However, parents can teach English and vocabulary by downloading apps. These apps are specific to improve writing errors and skills. For instance, Lingueleo or speak up is an excellent option to take help. In short, Google play could be your companion on the road to improve writing.

Thematic sites

The worldwide web is a place that has lots of options that can help new writers to learn new things. However, these thematic sites offer different means to get pro. Furthermore, these platforms have other structures and materials to help the students. But one thing is for sure that these sites will surely help the child to achieve extra-ordinary. In short, these websites provide a unique means to test language and creative skills.


Tech-related things have a solution for each kind of individual. However, audiobooks are one of those solutions. These books are excellent for those who have a problem to place punctuation marks in writing. These books record the text with correct delivery of speech and beautifully placed punctuation. Apart from this, the children listen to the fictions that help to improve the development and horizon. In short, these audiobooks provide worth against money. Above all, the children and parents can take notes for future use.

E-mail subscription

it is another innovative way that improves the writing while sitting in the comfort of your house. However, in these electronic subscriptions, you can send a copy of the script to highlight the errors and improvements. In short, many parents prefer to use this means to upgrade the child’s skills.

Online dictionaries

Dictionaries are a great way to enhance the knowledge of new and old words you can use in writing. But in this modern age, no one prefers to carry heavy dictionary books with them. Now everything is available online that is just a click away from you. As a result, you can take help and references to improve the complex topic. Apart from this, you can learn the spellings and phrases that you want to use.

Transcription software

Transcription software is another revolution to make things easy for new and old writers. This software helps to record the audio and video file in text format. Speech to text transcription is beneficial for:

  • Students translate the audio, video, and lectures into text format.
  • Bloggers to lead the website into leading websites and blogs
  • Writers to convert the long audiobooks in text format.
  • For the students who want to take some notes from the audiobooks

We know every person is different and has diverse needs. So, to create an exciting piece, the writer should work, edit, and develop. 

Technological mediums that are helping students

The technological world is very vast and has no limits. That’s why we wake up with the new invention every other day. However, the situation is the same as assisting in writing. So, these standards and famous technology help the children to make a start.

Word processing and presentation programsMicrosoft Word, PowerPoint, and Prezi
Online publishing programs for student workStory bird and Wordfaire
Speech softwareSpeech to text and text to speech software
Online lessons forWhiteboard writing and grammar lessons

General ways to improve writing skills in the technological age

Apart from the above means, these are some other high-tech software ways that will work for each student. Apart from the children, teachers and parents can use to keep the child in the right direction.

The Internet is a great library

It won’t be wrong if we say that the Internet is a great library. There is no better way to take information about anything. For instance, you can read about the top-notch writers and scholars with the help of one click. So, if the child plans to start writing something, it is easy to search that subject online. All you have to do a google search and get fantastic ideas about writing: on the other hand, on the Internet, some websites provide help. For instance, the professional writers charge some money against the pro tips related to your topic.

Smart modes of writing

In the 21st century, technology and educational modes are merging. However, many notable writers now use smart devices to read, write, and practice in this regard. For instance, tablets, phones, and laptops have taken a pen and paper place. These ways make it easy for the children to make notes, add or remove things in less time. Apart from this, these devices correct grammatical errors earlier. In this way, children don’t need proofreading like traditional methods.

Designing a blog

I know you are familiar with people who own their blogs. It is one of the best ways to polish writing skills. Almost every professional writer emphasis to give more time to practice. Writing is a skill that gets better with time. However, owning a blog is an excellent thing for pro and new writers. You can write about what you feel passionate about and then experiment with various styles and techniques. In short, the blog provides personal space to polish the writing.

Grammar checks

Grammar is vital while writing anything. You can’t impress others with wrong sentence structure and English skills. The human eye can ignore the grammatical errors, but the software is the savior. For instance, if the composition has spelling, grammar, and language errors, it wouldn’t rank. So, many websites are providing services and software to eliminate writing issues. In short, a piece that is finely edited can-do wonders in terms of actions and effects. Above all, many websites are providing free editing services to remove writing errors.

Plagiarism checkers

Uniqueness and creativity are the keys to a fantastic piece of writing. In other words, plagiarism is a severe offense that can kill the vibes of paper. So, to teach originality, parents can use plagiarism software. There is much software that is available online free or against some money. Other than creative writing, academic writing should be plagiarism-free. So, the software is the savior for the students to produce the original copy of the script. 

Writing enhancement platforms

If the child is taking a slow start in writing, it’s a big challenge to keep the readers engaged. However, it is vital to grab the attention with an error-free piece of writing for this. One of the famous software is “Grammarly,” which helps produce a paper with no writing issues. Apart from this, many other platforms are working with or without cost.

Some other tips to include technology in the writing process: A parental guide

After reading the above ways and methods, you must be thinking that these are the only ways. But the reality is different, and many other tools and techniques can polish the skills.

  • Use automation software: Automation helps the teachers and parents to highlight the errors after proofreading the whole text. It is a fantastic invention to save time and energy.
  • Auto-corrects apps: These apps help the students learn the new rules by autocorrecting the spot’s errors.
  • Writing-focused software: In this way, teachers and parents can keep an eye on children’s writing progress. As a result, they can learn new things on the spot.
  • Media forums: Many multimedia tools can teach children new things about writing in a fun way.
  • Students collaboration: Many tools like Google docs are helping the students by providing easy means. In this way, the children and students can easily see the work just by a single click.
  • Power of social media: Social media is a powerful medium. However, parents and teachers can use this medium to uncover the purpose of writing. In short, social media forums provide a fun way to deliver a strong message.

Final Thoughts On How To Develop Writing Skills In a Child With Technology

It is a reality that technology has changed many things in our lives. However, we can see a clear difference by comparing the new means with the old ones. But it’s a reality that we can take advantage of using these ways in the right way. Hopefully, this article has answered most of your questions on “How To Develop Writing Skills In a Child With Technology.”